TIMEFRAME: January 2021 (2 weeks)
ITEMS PRODUCED: Chats, Diagrams, Illustrations, 1 template for Electoral Area Reports, 1 Housing report for all of the Cowichan Valley, Appendix I Form, Appendix II Form. All deliverables are live online and can be viewed here.
ROLE: Sole contributor for this project. This was contract work for Bone Creative. Shon from Bone Creative acted as a middle man for communication when I was unable to meet/connect with the client (Cowichan Vallery Regional District/CVRD). All aspects of the design and production were left to my responsibility.
PRODUCTION TOOLS AND SOFTWARE: InDesign, Illustrator, PowerPoint, Excel.

This is a sample of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment Report. Showcasing the first 20 pages of 93. You can view the full report here.

This is the template created for the Electoral Areas, in this sample it showcases Area A. You can view all Areas here.
This is a sample of Appendix I. Showcasing 12 of 86 pages. You can view the full report here.
This is all of Appendix II, which can be viewed online here.
OBJECTIVE: There were two objectives for this project. The first was to create a template for the Electoral Area Housing Reports. The second one was to create the official CVRD 2021 Housing Report. Both reports needed to be ready for print and web use. Primary usage is for web-based use.
TARGET AUDIENCE: The target audience for the report is the primary residence of the Cowichan Valley. The secondary audience is for the B.C. Government as these reports get produced every 5 years for review, as well as those looking to relocate to the Cowichan Valley.
CHALLENGE: While working on this project one challenge I faced was the timeframe and workload. Originally when I took on the project it was to be a week-long and only focused on the Electoral Area reports and creating the template for it. There were several reports to be made of the Electoral Areas. By the end of the week, the team from CVRD asked if we (Bone Creative and I) could do the main report as well. They were having issues with a different company producing this report and were happy with the communication and outcomes of the work we were doing. The catch was that the final report was due the following week to the B.C. Government. This report was completed at 93 pages long.
PROCESS: This project took place over 2 weeks, the first week looking at the Electoral Areas, the second week looking at the official Regional Housing Needs Report. This project was focusing on the production of the deliverables over the concepts and ideas for it. It was a race against the clock. There were many late nights producing elements for the report.