TIMEFRAME: October - November 2017 (8 weeks)
ITEMS PRODUCED: Wireframes, Interactive PDF’s, Powerpoint Presentations, Blog Posts.
ROLE: This was a student project where I lead a team of 4 designers, including myself. Our presentations were delegated to two of our teammates, the blog posts were delegated to the other member. We collectively collaborated on our concept of creating an organization calendar app. Well, I organized our research, wireframes, design aesthetic and directions. and execution of the hypothetical app.
PRODUCTION TOOLS AND SOFTWARE: Pencil and Paper, Illustrator, Acrobat, InVision, Keynote, WordPress.
Student Project
OBJECTIVE: The goal is to engage both the target audience and secondary audience to grow and foster a healthy relationship with the introduction of the Graduate Attributes.
TARGET AUDIENCE: The target audience encompasses all VIU students on the Nanaimo campus. The secondary audience is faculty and staff.
CONCEPT: The idea was to introduce a calendar-based app that would promote events to help with Meaningful Relationships within the GA’s as well as Cultural Connections.
By putting in your information such as; class times, work schedule, appointments, etc. The app would then recommends different events that you could attend based on your availability. This makes the app feel like it caters to your needs and was made for you.
Over time you would be able to grow your “Galaxy”. Each planet in your galaxy would represent a different area of the GA’s; Literacies, Intellectual & Practical Skills, and Civic Engagement. A new planet will form once you’ve completed a course, or attended an event at VIU. Facility and staff would also have the ability to create plants for their students though-out their course and how the course subject and project relate and intertwined with the GA’s
Students will also have the ability to view their galaxy and see what they’ve achieved.
CHALLENGE: “How might we use collaboration to create intercultural perspective and respectful relationships on campus?” This question was formed as a guide to help engage VIU students on the Nanaimo campus to foster a deeper relationship and adoption of the Graduate Attributes.
PROCESS: This project was spread out over 12 weeks, with 4 different phases. The first phase was research. This lasted for 3 weeks. The second phase was ideation. 4 weeks were spent focussing on this phase. The third phase was experimenting/refining. This took a total of 4 weeks. The last phase was implementation, this was only 1 week.
Wireframes for Orbit app.
Screens from proposed Orbit app.