TIMEFRAME: September - November 2017 (12 weeks)
ITEMS PRODUCED: Logo Redesign, Brand Guidelines, Seaplane Wraps, Plane Tickets, Marketing Collateral.
ROLE: This was a student project where all aspects of the design and production were left to my responsibility.
PRODUCTION TOOLS AND SOFTWARE: Pencil and Paper, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign.
Student Project
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project was to redesign a local company’s brand. Companies were assigned at random. I was assigned Harbour Air for my company. The goal was to redesign the logo, create a new brand guideline, and any other additional design opportunities such as uniforms, merch, marketing materials, or anything else that will be relevant to the company.
PROCESS: This project started with a client survey to gather data on the company. All the information gathered was used to help conceptualize a new redefined identity for Harbour Air. After much thought and consideration, the decision was made to keep the came colour combo but change the tones to a brighter and warmer feel. The logo style was also changed from a monogram to a brand mark. This decision was made because the brand name lends itself to a visual format. Which helps elevate their brand’s personality.